Gucci Authenticity – Common Features
First of all, let’s start with the inside tag. All Gucci bags except the vintage ones feature a leather inside tag with the “Gucci Made in Italy” stamp on it and a registered trademarked circled “R”. So getting to know the font, deepness, spacing, positioning of the logo and that of the circled R really well will prove to be extremely useful for many Gucci styles. First of all, you need to make sure the font is correct and that the letters don’t touch each other. And here’s an interesting Gucci authenticity tip: the left side of the “U” in Gucci should be thicker than the right. But you should also check the letters “G” and the two Cs carefully.Another interesting thing about this leather tab/label is that the seams across it match the color of the lining, not the color of the leather! But on any other leather trim on the bag the stitching should match the color of the leather.
The serial number should be on the back of this leather tabs and feature two rows of 6 numbers that are embossed close together. Make sure both rows are centered. Again, this rule does not apply to vintage Gucci bags!
Gucci replica bags have really blossomed this year, with all the new beautiful designs that have been released. The already iconic Dionysus bag, the Sylvie bag, the GG Marmont bag or the Gucci Padlock bag and all their numerous variations are some of the most coveted replica bags of the moment.
As I’ve told you before, if you’re trying to learn more about Gucci authenticity, the first site you should start your research with is the official Gucci site. They are quite generous with the pictures they show of each bag, which is really useful if you want to study the details of a certain Gucci bag.
If you are interested in Monogram Gucci bags, then the first thing you need to check is the Monogram GG canvas, of course. And here are some Gucci authenticity tips for you: even though the two Gs face each other and are really close, they should not be touching. Then you can notice that the horizontal line of each G forms a shape that looks like a triangle (reversed for the left G).
The same rules apply to the Gucci Guccissima leather as well. But please take into account that even though some guides say that the Monograms should line up even where the sides are stitched together, this is not true (just like in the case of the Monogram LV bags). What is true though is that the GGs will be the same throughout the handbag, which means the letters will have the same size, shape and font.
Here’s the bottom of the Gucci GG Supreme duffle bag. Notice how the monograms don’t line up around the stitching? Just so you know, I took the photo from the official Gucci site:
I know there are a lot of articles on how to check Gucci authenticity online and that can be confusing. Please keep in mind that many of these guides were written years ago, so some of the information there might not apply to new Gucci styles. Let’s take the fake Gucci duffle bag for example because I know this is still one of the most popular styles from the brand.
Finding cheap Gucci luggage used to be easier before for a reason. The Gucci Duffle bag made of canvas had textile lining and therefore the costs were not very high either. But things are different with the new Gucci duffle bags. The interior is made from “microfiber lining with a suede-like finish” which is harder to copy and also more expensive. So if you’re looking for cheap Gucci luggage, maybe you should stick to the older pieces.
You should, of course, check to see if the stitching is smooth and even. If you find uneven or sloppy stitching, the bag is probably a fake. Another general Gucci authenticity tip is to check the hardware engravings: clasps, zippers, bottom stud, hooks or any other engraved piece of hardware. The engraving should be clean, clear and the weight of the hardware is also important because authentic Gucci hardware is made of solid metal, so it should be on the heavy side. Needless to say that authentic Gucci hardware doesn’t rust or chip off.
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to offer more tips on Gucci authenticity for vintage bags. But I don’t feel like I have enough information, so I think it’s the right thing to do.
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